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Humming is one of the easiest and simplest ways to heal and re-set your voice 🗣️ Let’s try it together going up ⬆️ and down ⬇️ your range. (2 glides) Do 10 repetitions, 2-3 times per day. Be mindful to stay within a range that is achievable, and if you notice you have to force or push into your high and low range, don't! This isn't meant to max out vocal flexibility but rather, generate the adequate airflow and resonance needed to create an easy and smooth sound. Feel into your body: Notice any vibrations, maybe tickling or buzzing in the lips, teeth, tongue, roof of the mouth, or face, these are all signs that the energy ✨emanating up from your vocal folds is creating your efficient and best voice. It may feel like a tickle, open, relaxing and smooth and/or effortless. 💫 💫 💫 Research demonstrates that humming like this can help mobilize the tissue (helps reduce stiffness), making sure the vocal folds have an even better chance of healing after a surgery or vocal fold injury or laryngitis. If you find a middle pitch that is natural to your speaking range, that feels buzzy on your lips or face & sounds smoother, that is the initial spot to center your speaking voice around, so you can optimize your healing! 🗣️Are you ready to take your vocal health and empowerment seriously? Grab your FREE copy of my Exclusive Guide To Optimizing Your Vocal Power & join the Empower Your Voice Community for insightful stories, voice tips, and more, right to your inbox Have a friend whose voice would love to play with humming? We would be so appreciative if you shared!
Laryngitis (this is my voice during a recent bout) doesn’t have to completely take you out. 👆🏻 Here’s some of my favorite ways to soothe the scratch!
🗣️ Delegate. Strategically look at your day and week: where can you reduce talking? Email/text instead of call? Cut out any talking over noise? 🤐 Rest. Yes, this is the time that rest will actually be beneficial to your voice. The more silence, the less friction on fragile swollen tissue. (If you don’t observe silence and let others know you’re on voice rest—It’d be like having a blister from your favorite pair of shoes yet continuing to wear them until the blister worsens…ouch!) 💨 Steam and humidify: steaming with boiling water or VocalMist, is very soothing. Ensure your environment isn’t too dry, as that will increase the likelihood of thicker mucus production, which may set coughing or throat clearing in motion, which is like having a blister on your hand and then clapping loudly over and over. 💦 Sip water, hot water with lemon & honey, or warm herbal teas (some folks love Throat Coat. No it won’t “cure” your laryngitis nor does the liquid even touch your vocal folds, yet the surrounding tissues of the throat can feel some relief). Especially if you have that raw, scratchy feeling as an associated symptom. *Please skip the Hot Toddy’s or shot of [your preferred liquor here]. That will only mask symptoms and too much will be irritating to the tissues. 🧣 Gentle self massage of the neck, especially on and around the larynx and using a heat wrap (warmed with water or in the microwave) around the neck can feel quite exquisite. The ache, swelling, and fatigue of the neck muscles can also take a toll around the larynx(voice box), so self-massage is a great start! What have you tried before? What has worked for you? Reply and share with me!💜 Access your complimentary copy of the 10 Tips for Optimizing Voice Power today! Updated Nov 2024: Check out the new Voice Emergency Kit! Voice loss? Laryngitis? Sore throat? Heal your voice faster with effective and comprehensive tools! |
AuthorVoice Activator. Lover of the Larynx and Lake Life. On a mission to elevate women's self-worth & wellness via their voice. one delightful tween daughter. Dabbles in professional voice-over occasionally. Reminding you that You and Your Voice Are Worthy! Archives
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