Over the last couple of years, there’s been a lot of talk about inner monologues. Apparently, some people hear that running voice in their heads . . . and some don’t. And no matter whether a person has a monologue or doesn’t, they’re usually surprised to learn that the other kind of person exists! I am one for whom the constant running mind-chatter was incessant, and for the first 32 years or so of my life, it was largely self-critical and judgmental. Yet, all that changed when I became reacquainted with my self-worth and my wisdom within. While we may not all have a loud inner (critical or not) monologue, we do all have an inner voice. Our inner voice is our intuition: that soul-led, Divinely sourced guide that is our truest self, a gentle whisper within, or a deeper ‘knowing’. This inner voice expresses our truths, our desires, our being-ness. It might speak to us in words, phrases, images or symbols, but it does speak to us. When we are most aligned, when we are honoring ourselves and tuning in daily to listen, that Divine inner voice can emerge powerfully, and be spoken out loud with our physical voice. So many experts have a transformative message within them, but when they try share it, they struggle with:
And that’s part of my gift of guidance: elevating the voices of vocal athletes (speakers, teachers, coaches, executives) to use their physical voice to more vibrantly share their inner voice—and change the world with their message. I’ve been intentionally putting my focus where my intuition is sending me, and it’s leading me to beautiful places. One thing I’ve been focusing on and continue to get an intuitive "yes!" to is a workshop with my friend Cathlyn Melvin, who is a TEDx Coach and messaging expert. Together, we created a hands-on experience for experts who want to share their message on the TEDx stage, using their voices in a powerful way. And as I follow my own heart, letting the intuition lead and the mind-chatter to lessen, and show up in ways that create magic for the people I work with . . . I feel like this workshop is a beautifully aligned way to do that. I hope you’re feeling that beauty in the things you’re pursuing, too. Because you are worthy. Your voice is worthy. And I’m grateful to share mine with you. * * * * P.S. I’m one of those people who has an inner monologue! Do you? Comment below and let me know! P.P.S. On November 9th, I’ll be co-teaching Press Play On TedX: Giving Voice to Your Idea Worth Spreading, an intimate 3 hour workshop with TEDx Coach Cathlyn Melvin. From hot seats to interactive, it is implementation-driven! We’ll help you get clear on the message you want to share and how to use your voice to share that message with the greatest impact. Registration is open, secure your seat here. *if it's past the date listed, please comment below or email directly [email protected] to jump on the waitlist!
AuthorVoice Activator. Lover of the Larynx and Lake Life. On a mission to elevate women's self-worth & wellness via their voice. one delightful tween daughter. Dabbles in professional voice-over occasionally. Reminding you that You and Your Voice Are Worthy! Archives
November 2024
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