If you're an educator who has ever felt the struggle of your voice not performing at it's best day in and day out, this course was designed specifically for you! For Teachers working K-University, who are experiencing voice loss too frequently, difficulty projecting your voice, having to use up precious sick-days, and want high quality, evidence-based methods to prevent vocal injury!
Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators was designed just for you! Click the image for all the details!
When laryngitis strikes, allergies or dry air cause coughing and voice loss, what do you do? The Voice Emergency Kit will help your voice loss recovery faster, the hoarseness and vocal strain reduce, and allow you to get back to the activities you love without worry or worsening to the point of vocal injury! Only $27, with an option to get 1:1 custom support from me so you can recover with peace of mind and restore speaking with ease!
Intuition (inner voice) is a glorious aspect of our souls that we can use to guide our human life. Over the last 6 years, I've been honing my intuition and developing my own skills in hearing and following it more deliberately. I've noticed that there's a lot of talk about ‘follow your gut’ or ‘trust your intuition’ yet not really any clear explanation of how to do that. To me, there's not just ‘one way' for how to tap in, yet always opportunities to try new practices, and deepen those skills.
What becomes possible when you have a simple and reliable way to tap into your intuition? You bolster your tools for honoring your inner knowing to feel: More trusting. More decisive. More loving towards yourself.
Within 60 minutes of this self-ledIgnite Your Inner Voice workshop, you will feel more deeply connected to your divine inner voice and have a new practice that you can use daily so you can make decisions more easily and take aligned action towards your desires with more confidence! See all that's included for only $44 here. ENJOY!